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Building Connections

The gift of community brings life to the Body of Christ as two or more gather together for meals, small group activities, and study. Relationships are formed and strengthened as we share our love in Christ together.

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Women's Coffee Club

Second Friday of each month

9:30 am

at a local coffee shop

Presently, this group meets at Love Coffee, 5 Bus Loop 70 E.

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Second Wed. of each month

8:00 a.m.

JJ's Cafe, 1712 N. Providence Rd.

All men of Trinity are invited.

No reservations are needed.


Enjoy good food and conversation and get better acquainted with fellow church members.

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Mahjong Group

Friday afternoons at 1:00 p.m.

in the church Fellowship Hall

If you like to play cards, mahjong may be for you. New members are always welcome.


Contact the church office (573) 445-4469 for more information.

Colorful Yarn Collection

Fiber Fellowship
Fourth Saturday of Sept - May
10 am - Noon

Bring your current project or start a new one and enjoy time working on needlecrafts with others. We always have a supply of yarn, some extra needles or crochet hooks, and folks who can help answer questions.

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Trinity Senior Singles Group

The group attends plays, concerts, and eats out at local restaurants. Activities are arranged 6-8 times per year. Call or email the church office to be put on the email list.

Meets 5 to 6 times per year

10 am  - 11:30 am

Fellowship Hall

Open to all who enjoy reading and discussing books. 


Presently, the group is reading a selection of books from the Presbyterian Women (PCUSA) yearly peace and justice reading list.

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Dining Out

Join your church friends for a meal at a local restaurant. This group will begin meeting in early 2025. Dates and times will be announced. Contact the church office if you'd like to be added to the email list. 

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Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunt where participants use a GPS device to find hidden containers called geocaches. Trinity's group meets monthly, or when weather allows, for outings and "how-tos" 

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Dates, times and meeting place to be announced before the beginning of Lent in 2025.

Would you like to dig more deeply into the Sunday morning sermon and discuss your thoughts and questions with others? Then you'll enjoy this small group.

Come see what everyone's talking about!

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